Adult Rider Program

The USEA Adult Rider Program is for all adults, age 22 years and older, professional or amateur. It is about including adults across all skill and experience levels, in a supportive program that promotes education, communication, recognition and just plain fun. Adult Rider programs promote good sportsmanship and horsemanship, fun and safety for all levels of riding. 

Our Mission

To increase adult rider participation in eventing by providing education and recognition and offering communication and camaraderie.

Membership Roster

Are you a current Area VIII Adult Rider Member? Click here to view our current membership roster.

Upcoming Events and Clinics
Robin Walker Cross Country Clinic, May 24-25, 2025 at Flying Cross Farm

Get Connected

For the latest news & updates, be sure to like us on Facebook!
You can also join our Area 8 Adult Riders Program group on Facebook here.