Spring Bay Horse Trial – Open Now!

Send your entry in early! Season Opener of Area VIII!

Click Here For USEA Omnibus Listing!

Spring Bay H.T. | Lexington, Kentucky (AREA 8)

Event Date: Apr 12 – 13, 2025
Open Date: Feb 25
Close Date: Mar 25

KHP Address: 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY 40511. MSP Address: 3051 Leestown Rd, Lexington, KY 40511. KY Horse Park of Lexington-Ironworks Pike From I-75: Exit 120. From other Hwys: Watch for KY Horse Park signs. Enter at main gate entrance of park. Drive to stables-directions to Masterson St. Park available at stabling. If coming directly to Masterson St. Park: Take exit 115 off I-75/64 toward Lexington on 922 Newtown Pike to New Circle Rd. #4 & around Lexington toward airport to exit 7, Hwy 421/Leestown Rd north to Masterson Station Park on right; or take Midway exit off I-64 to 421/Leestown Rd. Southeast to Masterson Station Park on left just outside Lexington. Maps online at event website.


USEF Endorsed/USEA Recognized: T,TR,TN,N,NR,BN,BNR
USEF/USEA Recognized: PM,M
USEA Recognized Tests: Starter,Tadpole

Tentative Schedule:
Show Office at the KHP opens 1:00 pm Fri Apr 11. Competitor packets available at Show Office @ KY Horse Park. Sun. Show office located at Masterson Station Park. Cross-country course open-3 pm Fri. at Masterson Station Park Sat: Dressage all levels (Kentucky Horse Park) -8 am; Show Jumping all levels (Kentucky Horse Park)-10 am. Sun: Cross-Country all levels (Masterson Station Park)-8 am. Tentative schedule only – subject to change. Be sure to check the website, Startbox Scoring and Facebook page often for updates and changes! www.kyevents.net

Starting Times:
Stabling Assignments & Ride Times: Available one week prior on www.kyevents.net and Startbox Scoring.

Event Officials
TD:Jeri Matheny, KY; Robyn Munson, WV Judges: Pres: Karen Winn, KY Dressage Judges:Maureen John, KY; Debbie Boeh, OH; Julie Congleton, KY, Show Jump Judge: Shelley Ryan, KY CD:X-C: Mary Fike, KY, SJ:

Entry Information

Send Entries to:
ELECTRONIC ENTRIES Only. All other mailed communication use: Spring Bay HT 914 Harrington Mill Road Shelbyville, KY 40065 Electronic Entries only please. Entries accepted through Xentry and EventEntries. All other communications via email or regular post.No mailings that require signatures please. No phone or fax info accepted. Emergency contact only: (859) 621-2479 ALL scratches must be done via email to Secretary! All questions on entry status, scheduling to secretary only at [email protected] EMAIL: Mary Fike, Organizer – [email protected]. Erin Murphy, Secretary [email protected]

Org: Mary Fike, 914 Harrington Mill Rd, Shelbyville, KY 40065 Email: [email protected] All questions on entry status, ride times and stabling to Secretary only at: [email protected]

Event Fees Directory: All Entries via Xentry or Event Entries only. Please check the fee calculation for your entry carefully. Computational errors or errors triggered by automated entry processes, which result in a refund due, will be charged a $25 handling charge. Should the difference remaining in the refund total be $10 or less, the remainder will be donated to the XC jump fund. Entry:P/M – BN divisions: $250.00; Starter: $210.00; Tadpole: $180.00 (U.S. funds) before Close. KHP Footing fee: $10 – Event Entries and XEntry will automatically add this to the total entry. ALL COMPLETE ENTRIES, (including all signatures and Coggins test), PAID, DATE & TIME STAMPED or POSTMARKED ON Opening Datewill be Entered in Drawing to win $200 refund. Refunds:Before Close Date – Less $25 non-refundable office fee; After Close Date – No refund which includes stabling. Competition cancellation – No refund if competition has begun. Refund prior to start of competition as expenses allow. USEA Starter/D&M Fee Refund Policy:The USEA Starter and D&M fee ($35), is not subjected to office fees, and shall be returned within 30 days of the competition to any rider who does not start the dressage test. Any entries that are accepted late are at the discretion of the show management. After Close Date – entries will be accepted on Event Entries or Xentry with full payment only. All late entries will incur a $65.00 late fee that will be added to the online entry forms. Any additional payments must be paid before the event via credit card at Square or Venmo. Riders, please note: Any rider with an incomplete entry after the Close Date – this includes any signature forms, payments, Coggins – will be assessed a $50.00 late fee per entry. All entries must be completed by the close date. Signature forms that are signed at the Show Office window will incur a $25.00 fee.

Entry fees include a $25 non-refundable office fee. Double entries: Not accepted. USEA current membership (Junior, Collegiate, Full, or Life) and horse registration (Limited or Full) are required at all levels, except Tadpole. Tadpole participants are exempt from USEA membership and theUSEA Starter/D&M fee does not apply. Open and Rider divisions are offered at this event. Levels will be further divided by Jr/Sr. if entries warrant. Please check ALL boxes for divisions you want to be considered for.Please note: All entry fees paid upon entering, this is through EventEntries or Xentry. Refunds will be made via check as timely as possible to the address on the entry form. Refunds: Before Close Date – Less $25 non-refundable office fee; After Close Date – No refund unless the spot is filled from wait list, this includes stabling.Competition cancellation – No refund if competition has begun. Refund prior to start of competition as expenses allow. Any changes requested after Close Datemade only as schedule permits and will incur a $65 additional fee (including stabling changes). A current Neg. Cogginsmust accompany the entry form. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR ONLINE COGGINS TO MAKE THINGS EASY! Health papers within 30 days required to bring a horse onto the KY Horse Park if out of state. THE KY Dept. of Agriculture may or may not spot check. See website www.kyevents.net for details. Please provide legible Email for communications and questions. You MUST provide a Stabling form – filled out completely – to ensure your requests are properly addressed. Any changes requested after Close Datewill incur a $65 additional fee (including stabling changes). Reminder: All USEF Life and Senior Active members, as well as participants who have regular contact with minor athletes, are required to comply with the U.S. Center for SafeSport training requirement, to be eligible to participate in the competition. All participants must adhere to the U.S. Center for SafeSport Code, USEF Safe Sport Policy, and the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies. More information about these can be found at www.usef.org. It is your responsibility to keep this current. No refund will be issued if you are not allowed to participate.

Competitor Information

10 ribbons per division. First Place award per division.

Stabling $65/night.Starting April 11 through 2:00 pm Sunday, April 13th. Competitors who stay at the KHP after 2:00pm will need to pay a layover fee of $65.00. Please contact the show office if you need clarification on this. This is a fee the KHP will charge the event.Tack Stalls $65/night. Early arrivals and late departures must be arranged through the Secretary and additional charges may apply.Haul In Fee: $65 for April 12 only. 800 perm. stalls on grounds at KY Horse Park. 12×12 box stalls. Stall doors provided. Feed/Hay/Bedding available for purchase. Devers Hay, Grain & Bedding-no answering machine-(859) 233-9702 or www.deverinc.com. Additional info on website. Veterinarian: Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital.Contact info posted at Show Office at event. Please abide by the stable assignments or there may be a $50.00 fine for using a stall not assigned to you.

Book rooms early as it is the Keeneland Spring Meet! Official Hotel Residence Inn by Marriot – 5 mi. (859) 231-6191. Others: Courtyard by Marriott – 5 mi. (859)-253-4646. Fairfield Inn-4 mi (859) 977-5870, Clarion Inn-4 mi. (859) 233-0512, Holiday Inn Express-Georgetown-8 mi. (502) 867-1648, La Quinta – 4 mi.(859) 231-7551. Camping: KY Horse Park campgrounds (888) 4KY-PARK or book online at www.parks.ky.gov.

Test & arena sizes:P/M-2022 USEF Preliminary Test A M– 2022 USEF Modified Test A M/T -2022 USEF Modified Test A T– 2022 USEF Training Test A N– 2022 USEF Novice Level Test A BN– 2022 USEF Beginner Novice Level Test A Starter– 2022 USEA Starter Test Tadpole – 2022 USEA Starter Test All arenas are small and on sand.

M – 2200 – 3000 m @ 490 mpm.T,– 2400 m @ 450 mpm.N – 2000 m @ 350 mpm.BN – 2000 m @ 300 mpm.Starter – 1400m-2000m @ 250 mpm (speed faults 350 mpm); Tadpole – 1400-2000m @ 200mpm. No water or ditches at Tadpole. Terrain: Rolling hills, mostly open; M/T are rolling to hilly; water & up/down banks at all levels, except for tadpole. All courses: Good early season or beginning of the year courses for horses at their established level; M/T not move-up courses for timid horses with no experience at their new level. N-Tadpole are very straight forward. M/T some hills; N – Tadpole relatively flat terrain. All on good grass. Expect water, ditches and combinations appropriate for the level on each course except Tadpole. Cross-country course closed April 1st.

Other Information:
MSP Cross-country course closed April 1st. Levels may be divided/combined if entries warrant. Food on grounds days of event. Dogs must be leashed. USEA/USEF # where applicable, original signatures & fees attached. Non-members of USEF must include USEF non-member fee at Modified. This includes rider/owner/ trainer. All fees are must be paid before they are accepted as an entry. Canadian riders must meet USEA membership requirements. Withdrawals must be in writing (post or email) and received by 9 pm March 25. No phone or text withdrawals accepted. Horse or Rider substitutions made only within division. Change fee will apply. Entries wishing to change divisions must do so before Close Date. After CD – changes will be made as schedule permits/ Change fee will apply. KHP Address: 4089 Iron Works Pkwy, Lexington, KY 40511. MSP Address: 3051 Leestown Rd, Lexington, KY 40511. Check event website and/or event Facebook page for updates – www.kyevents.net SUB CHAPTER EV-9 DRESS 1. PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR. a. At Federation licensed and endorsed Events, Athletes must wear headgear as follows, except as may otherwise be mandated by local law (see also GR801) b. Upon arrival, anyone riding a Horse must wear properly fitting protective headgear. The harness must be secured and properly fitted. See GR801. Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. The parent/legal guardian or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for penalties against those responsible for the child committing the offense. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. The unsafe use of personal electronic transport devices, as determined by the competition officials and management in their sole discretion, that do not require a driver’s license to operate, including but not limited to Segways, hover boards, and single wheeled scooters is prohibited on competition grounds. Operating such devices in areas where people gather may be deemed “unsafe use” if there is a risk of harm to others. If the operator of the device is a minor, the parent/legal guardian or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating the device in violation of this rule is accountable and may be subject to penalties. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. “Every class offered herein which is covered by the rules and specifications of the current USEF rulebook will be conducted and judged in accordance therewith”.