Ava started weekly lessons and a 3 day a week lease on a sweet “been there, done that” horse 5 years ago. A year later, her Mom bought their first horse for Ava who was green. It has been said many times over the right horse, good lessons and hours in the saddle give you wings. Three years ago, Ava’s family found a wonder pony, Tough Nut aka “Acorn”. Ava started training with Lee Ann Zobbe and Lisa Perez. Ava grew her wings and together they went to their first sanctioned show. They completed their season winning Indiana eventing Association’s Grand Champion Starter Division. Then, the inevitable happened – Ava grew.

Eighteen months ago, Ava’s Mom bought Two Against the World, aka “Bogie”, named, they think, for his stellar good looks and theatrical performances. Bogie is an 11 year old Thoroughbred-Dutch Warmblood cross bred by Monica Spitzer.
On Bogie’s back, Ava’s wings spread. Ava had the privilege of attending 2019 AEC in the Beginner Novice Junior Division and came to the Kentucky Horse Park with no expectations, only to give Bogie her best rides and to have fun. They did both.
At home, Ava is a freshman at Cathedral High School in Indianapolis, Indiana and enjoys piano, performing in musicals, math and science and, of course, her many barn friends who are more family than friends.
Congratulations Ava!